SOPHE publishes three premier peer-reviewed journals that are must-haves for health education and health promotion professionals and students – Health Education & Behavior, Health Promotion Practice, Pedagogy in Health Promotion.
Click on the image to see the latest table of contents for each journal. (SOPHE national members must be signed into you My SOPHE account to gain full access to journals.)
SOPHE membership includes full digital/electronic access to all three journals – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
*As of January 1, 2022, print subscriptions are available to one journal - either Health Education & Behavior or Health Promotion Practice- for an additional cost of $30/year. Access to Pedagogy in Health Promotion is electronic/digital only.
>>Sign-up for a print journal subscription
Availability to non-members is on a pay-per-view or timed access basis.
Members also receive the latest news in public health, health promotion and education fields through SOPHE's News & Views – published quarterly. SOPHE members also receive the latest news in health promotion and education via SOPHE's Health Promotion News you can use, published bi-montlhly.
Sign up to receive SOPHE's Health Promotion News You Can Use.
Electronic access to journals and SOPHE's News & Views are member-only benefits. Please log in to gain full access to these resources.
SOPHE's newest undergraduate textbooks include:
This promotional webinar which explores the content of SOPHE’s textbook, Introduction to Global Health Promotion. The authors discuss how the text can be used in the classroom to develop well-rounded and informed health education and health promotion students.
Check out SOPHE's Tools of the Trade career resource books:
SOPHE has developed several valuable resources and tools focus inserts, resource guides, books, and DVDs. SOPHE resources cover a range of topic areas including:
- social marketing
- health literacy
- health disparities
- environmental health
- tobacco prevention and control programs
Interested in proposing a SOPHE book or publication? Download the prospectus guidelines and submit to SOPHE’s Trustee for Publications, Miguel A Perez, PhD, MS, MCHES®.